I'm much more crafty in the kitchen. Here's this weekend's no-knead rosemary bread. |
Question for the peanut gallery: at what age does it start to get creepy when you photograph your child when they are sleeping? Extra cute points: she was snoring. |
I'm much more crafty in the kitchen. Here's this weekend's no-knead rosemary bread. |
Question for the peanut gallery: at what age does it start to get creepy when you photograph your child when they are sleeping? Extra cute points: she was snoring. |
We also cooked up the radish greens with some olive oil and salt & pepper. |
In other garden fun, we harvested our first kale, and some of our trustee volunteer chard ... |
... and made a fresh batch of mean green juice for breakfast! |
Yellow leaves on celery are a sign of over watering. Guilty as charged. |
Cauliflower varietals progressing nicely at their own pace |
Gave up the ghost on the beets, which never came up. Instead we planted some lettuce and leeks! In the past, I would never give up so soon and would probably lose a growing season for it. |
Mint is happy in its new home. |
No, we aren't being pre-holiday festive. The red bands are scare tape. That appears to be doing the job of keeping the crows away. |
The tall things are garlic and onions. They looks really happy here. The celery -- not so much. |
The beets mock me by not even sprouting. |
Kale, carrots and radishes |
One of the raised beds visible from the street. |
Another raised bed visible from street. |
Spinach. |
Peas in succession planting. |
Swiss chard. I think crows are eating these because there are a lot less sprouts than there were before. |
More peas and cilantro. |
Broccoli, carrots, lettuce. |
Monster parsley plant! |
Cabbage and peas. Man, it was harder than I anticipated to get the peas to climb the trellis. |