Sunday, October 13, 2013

Planting Day!

My lower back is shot, but we planted all our beds today!!  Our instructor from Start Organics was absolutely awesome!  I'm a little overwhelmed by how much we planted and how much will come out at some point.  I think now would be a good time for the kids to start eating like it counts.  Maybe they'll eagerly go for cauliflower over fish sticks?

The instructor was so great with kids.  Max helped out with planting the onions and garlic and making some holes form transplants to go into.  Ginger was interested in what we were doing here or there.  Most importantly, neither pulled out or trampled our work, so it was a total win!

One of the exciting things is that we now have labels on everything -- so no more guessing later on what was sugar snap peas, what was snow peas, what was shelling peas.   Though -- full disclosure -- I'm kinda guessing in these pictures because I'm too lazy to go out and check the labels right now and I can't quite remember what we put where.

I have a few homework assignments to plant more stuff in two weeks so we can do a little succession planting..  Will keep y'all posted on the growth.
Carrots, Arugula, Spinach, lettuce (romain and butter),
parsley, broccoli
Two types of kale, radish, carrots

Oregano, sugar snap peas, Swiss Chard
Snow peas, cilantro

Cauliflower (yellow and white), red onion, white onion, garlic,
elephant garlic, beets (in the kiddie pool), sage
Cabbage, more peas to go up the trellis


  1. So inspiring! Maybe next spring I'll do at least a garden container. I'm thinking tomoatoes to start.

    1. I don't know how the micro climate is around you in fall/winter, but if you have the bug to plant, you don't have to wait till spring. Maybe even just a little lettuce in a wide bowl planter near a sunny window or outside could be fun to watch grow ...
