Monday, May 25, 2015


I'm generally not a huge fan of mint flavored things.  (Exception: mojitos)  The flavor is typically so strong and artificial, harsh and medicinal.  I mean, who hasn't had a swig mouthwash and wished they could eat it as a dessert? Um, pass.
But a couple of years ago, J. and I had a great vacation meal where the only dessert option was a homemade mint chip ice cream with mint they were growing out back.  This was a whole 'nother ball game.   The mint gave just a hint of freshness in the background.  It's one of the first things I was looking forward to making when we got an ice cream maker last summer.

So, this year, we tried growing mint from seed.  It was doing great!  I usually kill mint pretty quickly -- probably from being in too small a pot.  So, when I looked at my lush red pot of mint, my mind naturally went to, "use it or lose it."  Same goes for the oreo cookie crust that I've had stashed that is nearing (ok, just passed) it's expiration date.

I used this surprisingly non-fussy Martha Stewart recipe.  I liked it because I didn't want to futz with making a custard, and I had a 3 year old insisting on "helping."  We got to muddle mint with sugar (easy to delegate that task).  Then let the milk & cream absorb the flavor of the mint for 2 hours.  I added Ghirardelli dark chocolate chunks about 3-5 minutes before the churning was done.  Then dumped it into the crust, and let it set for about 2 hours in the freezer.  

A good and delicious time was had by all. 

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